Thursday, January 3, 2013

Another scan....

So now I have had 16 chemo treatments. I will go for my 17th on Tuesday.

Tomorrow morning  I have a cat scan. I am a little more anxious than usual, because I have only been on avastin since October instead of the cocktail of chemotherapy that I had been getting.  I'm hoping that it is doing a good job at keeping the tumors shrunk .

If the tumors have stayed the same size or have shrunk I think that I should be able to just keep on doing the avastin. Avastin is very gentle on me. It would be such a blessing. I am not sure what they will do to me if the tumors have gotten larger or if I have any new cancer.

I will find out what the results of my cat scan when I go in for chemo on Tuesday. Until then I am sure that I will be filled with anxiety.

Keep up the prayers,  please. I am doing my part and I hope that God is doing his.

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