Thursday, September 6, 2012

I can't believe it's September....

Crazy how fast times goes by.  I'm so glad the kids are in school :) and that fall is on it's way.  I love fall. I'm glad I'm here to enjoy another one.

I get my lovely fanny pack off today. I'm so glad. Now I have a week and a half to recover from Chemo until I have another dose.  Two more left of this regimen. Then another CAT scan. I am hoping to have more good news.

My hands and feet are still numb.  The Dr. is considering putting me on Cymbalta. It's actually an anti depressant, but for some reason it works for nerve damage.  It's up to me. I could have had it this time but I really don't like taking pills. But I may have to do it.  Sometimes I feel like Frankenstein when I walk. My feet feel so heavy, and fat...but they aren't.  They are actually looking thin and bone-y. I lost a little more weight, but my red blood cells are getting better. My white blood cells are fine. Blood pressure is great.  I really have no serious side effects at all.  Which is a huge blessing.  And best of all....I still haven't thrown up.  I hate throwing up with a passion.

The ladies from the church bring me dinners from Tuesday to Friday on my Chemo weeks.  It really is a huge blessing not having to worry about making dinner when I am so drained.  And it's nice to see people who genuinely care about me.  People that I don't expect come out of the woodwork.  And then there are some people who I thought would be a great support that I don't even hear from.  It's interesting what you learn about people.  But I do know that I have a great support system and some wonderful friends.  I wish there was something else I could do besides saying Thank you.

Jared has been wonderful throughout this whole thing.  I don't know what I would do without him.  The kids are doing good.  Joshua is working two jobs, Dallin is in hunting mode and will be until the end of the year.  He is saving up from his bird feeding job to buy a bigger bow. Baylee is loving 6th grade and is going to be cheerleading. Tyleigh is loving her teacher and enjoying being with her "crew" at school.  I still haven't taken back to school pictures.  I should get on that.

We are also so glad that football season is here again.  We love college football.  GO BSU!


  1. Wow! So much going on. So glad you're feeling well through all of this. Do they think the numbness will go away after the chemo is over or is it something that could turn permanent? I think I'd be all for trying the Cymbalta. My mom has to take Prozac for a different kind of nerve issue and she hasn't had problems in years, funny how the brain works. Love you Lisa!!!!! Many continued prayers for you and your lovely family :)

  2. Found your blog through Karen's blogspot. I was diagnosed stage iv colon cancer May 2011. I am on my 3rd round of chemo. After colon resection & 75% removal of liver. Now just fighting some lymphnodes & a couple spots on my liver. When I was diagnosed my cea was almost 6000. I had mets to colon, lymphnodes, liver & lungs. I have come so far. Keep a positive attitude & keep your faith in God. It is difficult to understand why but only God know the purpose in everything we go through. I will keep following your blog. I have a FB recovery page email me if you are interested You can find me on FB that way too I believe. God bless you & yes we can beat cancer!

  3. Lisa, I love your blog, I have always wanted to do one. I am here if you ever want to talk, vent, scream... It's been so long time since I have seen you, I can't hardly believe you have such grown up, and absolutely beautiful kids.. I remember you little, we kind of grow up together out there in Lancaster, family functions wise.. But since I have moved away tons have changed, "including me" In 2004 I got in to wreak with a diesel flatbed truck and having Frontal Brain Injury.. It was a tough process for healing, because my brain seemed to have erased some of my life, but after 4 years of speech, occupational therapy and physical therapy, I feel better. I went back to college in 2010 and finished my Associates degree 2012.. I hope to finish my Bachelors soon.. Girlfriend, I went from forgeting how to cook macaroni and cheese to making gourmet meals, which I love to do. I also had NO support, but from some family. I felt all alone, the friends I had didn't come by as much, I think because I was random in my conversations, only because my ability to calculate my thought process was damaged. So I had to relearn mental coding, to help with that, now that SUCKED for sure... Plus it seemed I had no filter, I would say what ever came to mind, which trust me isn't good... Lmao, I kind of had that before, lol... But it just got worse, lol.. But what I am getting at is; I changed as a person I was in the process of medical treatment. I lost who I was as a person, or should I say, let go of who I was as a person. In order to move forward in my treatment and my life, it was hard but well worth it. It wasn't cancer for sure, but it was awful and life altering, and has weaking my body. But I refused to let it beat me daily. I totally see that in you, your an amazing and strong person and I admire that in you... I felt compeled to tell you what had happened to me, people that knew us before, DON'T know how to speak to us now. Thinking they might offend, or not have anything that compares to what we are going through. Affraid thier lifes trials are frivolous compared to yours... Honey I am not afraid, and I can't promise not to offend, because I am blatantly honest, but I'm here to listen for the long haul.. I love you, and I loved reading your blog, you have inspired me to maybe try to do one myself.. You stay strong, your here for a purpose, and if you need a kick from someone to remind you of that, I'm your gale... Have a amazing day, because I know you see it for what it is really worth.. that's way I start doing photography again, because my eyes are wide open, focused at all the beauty life has to offer.... My mom used to say this everytime something would happen in our lifes, and I thought she said it to annoy me, but now I realize she was right... God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, and the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference, living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardship as the pathway to peace... There is more, but she would always quote the first half, all the time.... but now I live it, with all my love Lisa and forever in my prays, I will talk to you soon;)
